Natural Shoreline Restoration Grant

  • Dream it.

    Restoring your shoreline, to its natural state, is the number one way to improve our lakes water quality, protect fish and wildlife habitats, and decrease shoreline erosion. Above is an eroded shoreline on Rose Lake.

    The Natural Shoreline Restoration Grant was created to educate our residents about this option when improving their shorelines.

  • Build it.

    The property owners priced out both a rock wall and a natural shoreline. The price difference was not as big as expected.

    The Natural Shoreline Restoration Grant was created to close this gap in cost. Any residence located on Bingham or Rose Lakes can apply.

  • Enjoy it.

    After installing a natural shoreline, the property owners gained back 10 feet of their land that had been lost to erosion. Watch this 4 minute video Rose Lake Natural Shoreline Restoration project to see the process.

    To understand how you can start your own natural shoreline restoration project, go to our FAQs page.